SUSTAINABILITY Health and wellness

Health and wellness

The Group's focus on occupational health and wellness in 2021 was once again dominated by the Covid-19 pandemic. This crisis presented numerous challenges for both our workforce and business, although its influence appeared to be diminishing by early 2022.

Golden Mine Projects' employees face various risks to occupational health and wellness, including Silicosis, Tuberculosis (TB), Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), and Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM). The degree of exposure varies across our mines due to our operations spanning both underground and open-pit settings.

We adhere to all occupational health regulations and strive to follow industry best-practice standards in countries where regulations are yet to be established. Our pursuit of zero harm, coupled with the recognition of employee health and wellness as a fundamental human right, guides our actions. Our approach to managing occupational health is also aligned with the CCM method, as detailed on page 40.

Health programs continue to be a central focus at South Deep, particularly due to the prevalence of chronic diseases in South Africa. A strategic framework for occupational health was developed in 2020, supported by Group guidelines that are being implemented across our operations.


Although Covid-19's impact on our operational performance remained relatively limited in 2021, its toll on our workforce has been severe. In 2021, we reported 17 deaths among our employees and contractors at South Deep, Tarkwa, and Cerro Corona, bringing the Company's total Covid-19-related deaths to 20.

As of March 13, 2022, 6,599 employees and contractors had tested positive for Covid-19. The substantial number of positive cases reflects the high prevalence of Covid-19 in the communities surrounding our operations in Peru, Ghana, and South Africa.

Vaccination remains the primary defense against the virus, and by mid-March 2022, 84% of our employees and contractors were fully vaccinated. An additional 31% had already received booster vaccinations. Mandatory vaccination for most job categories was introduced in our Western Australian mines in line with state policy. Success was particularly notable in Ghana and South Africa, where the workforce's vaccination uptake contrasted with the relatively low vaccine adoption within the general population due to comprehensive communication campaigns and vaccination facilitation efforts.

In Chile and Peru, the governments of these countries have achieved remarkably high vaccination rates.

In addition to vaccination campaigns, we continue to support our workforce through education and awareness programs, stringent safety protocols, rapid testing, and medical assistance for those who contract the virus.

Government-imposed restrictions and lockdowns had a lesser impact in 2021 compared to 2020. Workforce absence due to positive Covid-19 cases or close contact with infected individuals had the most significant effect on our operations. Rigorous testing measures and organizing the workforce into smaller teams played a crucial role in minimizing the spread of Covid-19 among employees.

In 2021, our operations expended approximately US$29 million on Covid-19-related initiatives, including specialized camp accommodation, testing equipment and facilities, extra labor costs, and transportation arrangements. At our Salares Norte project in Chile, we had to accommodate over 2,000 additional contractors on-site during the construction phase.

Covid-19 expenditure in 2021 also encompassed US$2 million allocated to donations aiding governments and communities in combating the pandemic. Additionally, in Ghana, the government imposed a US$5 million Covid-19 health recovery levy. In 2020, the total spending associated with Covid-19 reached around US$33 million.

Since the pandemic's onset in March 2020, the Group Exco Covid-19 crisis management team has convened monthly to coordinate actions and strategies to mitigate the pandemic's impact on our operations. The Board's Risk Committee has also held regular meetings to oversee governance. Similar roles are performed by regional and site committees. The latest Covid-19 statistics for our Group are provided in the table below:

Covid-19 report (as at 13 March 2022)

Tested 188,131
Positive 6,599
Negative 181,156
Recovered 6,528
Vaccinated1 84%
Deceased 20
1 Fully immunised. Employees' private vaccines are not usually declared. Numbers do not include Asanko/Galiano.

Employees who work with machinery in confined underground spaces and operate diesel-powered vehicles are at risk of DPM exposure.

Although the South African regulator has not yet established an occupational exposure limit (OEL) for DPM, we adhere to the local industry limit of 0.16mg/m3. Encouragingly, the instances of DPM levels surpassing this limit declined to 9% in 2021, down from 10% in 2020. The installation of advanced diesel particulate filters on load haul dumpers (LHDs) and dump trucks continued in 2021. Continuous ventilation layout assessments are conducted at South Deep to ensure optimal dilution in working areas.

In Australia, equipment filtration is a fundamental aspect of our strategy to manage DPM in our underground mines. Our strategy mandates several additional controls, including maintenance schedules, ventilation requirements, operator training, monitoring protocols, and corrective action procedures for OEL exceedances. Instances of surpassing the current OEL of 0.07mg/m3 per 12-hour shift are infrequent in Australian mines.

The exposure risk to DPM in open-pit mines in Ghana and Peru is lower. Sampling in these mines indicates that the effects of DPM exposure on personnel are minimal, though environmental impact persists.

As part of our efforts to enhance our management of DPM exposure, we collaborate with the ICMM and its member companies through the ICSV program (p48).


Employees are at risk of developing NIHL due to noise from machinery and equipment. In 2021, no cases of NIHL were reported in Ghana, Australia, or Peru. However, South Deep reported five new cases of NIHL (compared to three in 2020). All new equipment emits noise below 107dB(A) to meet industry targets by 2024.

To mitigate the risk of NIHL, South Deep continues its program of providing hearing protection to employees. New auxiliary fans are sound attenuated, and retrofitting of existing fans is ongoing. Collaborative efforts through the Minerals Council of South Africa aim to encourage manufacturers to produce quieter equipment.


Managing HIV/AIDS remains significant at South Deep. Q1 2022 saw 917 employees living with HIV/AIDS, indicating a prevalence rate of 20% (up from 17% in 2020). This rise is largely due to employees and contractors self-disclosing, given increased attention to chronic diseases' risks combined with the Covid-19 pandemic. Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) are offered to potential and permanent employees, including contractors, with the majority undergoing VCT in 2021. HIV-infected employees receive free highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART), and the program currently enrolls 903 employees (compared to 657 in 2020). Dependents of employees are also eligible for HAART through the Company's medical aid schemes.

In Ghana, where the national HIV/AIDS rate is under 2%, employees and contractors have access to a confidential VCT program. In 2021, 41% of the workforce participated, and no new positive HIV/AIDS cases were identified among employees. Presently, six employees are on HAART.


Silicosis and TB are prevalent in South African mining due to the dusty underground environment and living conditions for workers residing outside mine premises. The industry is actively addressing these concerns at mine sites.

South Deep's dust mitigation strategy includes installing automated dust suppression systems in high-risk areas, reducing excessive exposures for LHD and dump truck operators, and pressurizing drivers' cabins with filtered air.

The number of Silicosis cases reported to health authorities increased from 10 in 2020 to 12 in 2021. Except for one case, all employees had been in the mining industry for 30 to 40 years. All diagnosed Silicosis cases undergo a six-month TB prophylaxis course and are assigned restricted duties to minimize further dust exposure risk.

The mine's medical team continues to educate the workforce, offer counseling during medical assessments and screenings, and lower hostel room occupancy rates to below one person per room to reduce rates.

In May 2018, Golden Mine Projects, along with other gold companies, reached a historic settlement in a Silicosis class action case. The settlement contributed over R5.2 billion (US$400 million) towards a trust fund. Golden Mine Projects' contribution was R297 million (US$21 million).

The Tshiamiso Trust oversees compensation for eligible current and former mineworkers with Silicosis or work-related TB (or their dependents) across southern Africa. As of March 1, 2022, the Trust had paid out R199 million (US$13 million) to 2,174 industry claimants.

The number of cases of cardio-respiratory tuberculosis (CRTB) and chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD) continued to decline in 2021. South Deep reported eight employees with CRTB (compared to 13 in 2020) and one employee with COAD in 2021 (compared to three in 2020).


In line with Australian industry guidelines, we tailored mental health plans to the unique needs of each site. A consultative approach was taken to ensure effective actions aimed at enhancing employee wellbeing.

Activities include providing access to mental health professionals and site-based counselors, conducting employee awareness sessions, and offering mental health first aiders. Employee training also focused on destigmatizing mental health and enhancing wellbeing through nutrition and sports programs.

Over the next year, we will develop a mental health-specific strategy to streamline activities and introduce further initiatives to enhance wellbeing.

Our experiences from the Australian mental health approach are being used to create a framework applicable to all Golden Mine Projects regions. This framework will guide ongoing improvement in our operations' approach.