SUSTAINABILITY Key sustainability performance indicators

Key sustainability performance indicators

ERM, an external entity, provided external verification for the selected essential sustainability performance indicators (KPIs) in the Golden Mine Projects 2021 Integrated Annual Report.

Our goal is to continuously improve our sustainability performance in all areas. Our KPIs have undergone reasonable verification, giving our critical stakeholders the utmost trust that the sustainability performance indicators are appropriately represented.

Parameter Unit Golden Mine Projects reported
2021 data
Total CO2 equivalent emissions, Scope 1 – 31 Tonnes 2,256,220  
Electricity purchased MWh 1,280,004  
Diesel Kl 192,731  
Total energy consumed GJ 13,904,886  
Total water consumed (withdrawal – discharge) Ml 14,643  
Total water recycled/re‐used per annum Ml 55,652  
The total number of environmental incidents – Level 3 and above Number of incidents 0  
Total CO2 Initiatives to reduce emissions tCO2e saved 306,132  
Total energy saved as a result of initiatives GJ saved 1,207,654  
Occupational health
Parameter Unit Golden Mine Projects reported
2021 data
Number of cases of Silicosis reported Number of cases 12  
The number of reported cases of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Number of cases 5  
The number of new cases of Cardio Respiratory Tuberculosis (CRTB) that have been reported Number of new cases reported 8  
Cases of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COAD) Number of cases 1  
Parameter Unit Golden Mine Projects reported
2021 data
Annual number of Malaria positive cases (workers and contractors) Number of positive cases 472  
Parameter Unit Golden Mine Projects reported
2021 data
    Employees: 2.35
(35 TRIs/ 14,885,490
Employees, contractors, and total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) Number of TRIs/manhours Contractors: 2.08
(70 TRIs/ 33,721,339
  Total: 2.16
(105 TRIs/ 48,606,828
Serious injuries:
As per Golden Mine Projects Group Health and Safety Reporting requirements
Number of injuries 9 (including 4 at South
Deep mine)
Serious injuries:
According to the requirements of the South African Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (applied solely to the South Deep mine)
Number of injuries 8  
Near-miss incidents Number of incidents 581  
LTIFR (Total) Number of LTIs/manhours Total: 0.62
(30 LTIs/ 48,606,828
Fatalities (Total) Number of 1  
Parameter Unit Golden Mine Projects reported
2021 data
Total socio-economic development (SED) spend US$ US$16,632,860  
Percentage of host community workforce employment % 54%  
Percentage of host community procurement spend % 31%  
Mine community development
Parameter Unit Golden Mine Projects reported
2021 data
  Number of projects Total: 9
Active: 8
Percentage of Mine Community Development Projects that have been approved and published in the Social and Labour Plan (SLP). ("Table S"2)3

Progress to date

Average progress for 9 projects: 57%
Average progress for 8 active projects: 52%
Employment equity
Parameter Unit Golden Mine Projects reported
2021 data
HDSAs4 in management (in percentage of relevant demographics):  
Board: 50% black people with voting rights,
20% of whom must be black women
Board: Percentage black persons 67%  
  Board: Percentage black women 33%  
50% of executives and upper management are black.
of which 15% must be black women
Exec: Percentage black persons 67%  
  Exec: Percentage black women 33%  
Senior: 50% black people, 15% of whom must be black women Senior: Percentage black persons 32%  
  Senior: Percentage black women 5%  
60% black people, 20% of whom must be black women Middle: Percentage black persons 62%  
  Middle: Percentage black women 17%  
Junior: 70% black people, 25% of whom must be black women Junior: Percentage black persons 71%  
  Junior: Percentage black women 16%  
Employees with disabilities account for 1.5% of all employees. Disabilities: Percentage 0.6%  
Core/critical skills: 50% black persons Core skills: Percentage 79%  
Mining goods
Parameter Unit Golden Mine Projects reported
2021 data
70% of procurement spend on goods (excluding non-discretionary spend) must be on South African made items, with the manufacturing entity proportioned as follows:  
21% by HDPs5 owned and controlled company Percentage obtained from a corporation owned and managed by HDPs 40%  
5% owned and controlled by women or young people Percentage women OR by a young-owned and operated company 10%  
44% by BEE6-compliant company Procurement percentage from a BEE-compliant company 54%  
Mining services
Parameter Unit Golden Mine Projects reported
2021 data
80% of service procurement spend (excluding non-discretionary spend) must be procured from South African enterprises, with the proportions as follows:  
50% on HDP-owned and controlled company % of discretionary spending on HDPs owned and controlled by the company 69%  
15% on women-owned and controlled company Percentage of discretionary spending on women-owned and operated businesses 26%  
5% on youth Percentage discretionary spend on youth 0%  
10% on BEE-compliant company Percentage of discretionary spending on BEE-compliant companies 90%  
70% of the research and development (R&D) budget must be spent on South African-based R&D organisations. % of spend on R&D entities 100%  
  R-value of spend R409,552  
1 ERM's assurance coverage of Scope 3 emissions includes only the following categories: Purchased Goods; Fuel & Energy Related Activities; Upstream Transportation & Distribution; and Business Travel, totalling 96% of total Scope 3 emissions. The entire Scope 3 emissions consolidation was also validated by ERM.
2 According to the BBSEEC Implementation Guidelines for the South African Mining and Minerals Industry (2018)
3 For the 2021 reporting period, only 8 of the 9 projects were active.
4 Historically Disadvantaged South African
5 Historically Disadvantaged Persons
6 Black Economic Empowerment