SUPPLIERS Values and Code of Conduct summary for suppliers and contractors

Summary of Supplier and Contractor Values and Code of Conduct

At Golden Mine Projects, we acknowledge that when we engage third-party partners, they effectively become an extension of our organization. Consequently, we anticipate our suppliers to uphold and adhere to our Values and Code of Conduct, in addition to all applicable laws, regulations, and rules.

Our commitment revolves around conducting business in an equitable and ethical manner while fostering a corporate culture that prioritizes social and environmental responsibility. This objective is achieved by embodying the Golden Mine Projects Values, upholding our Code of Conduct, and collaborating with suppliers and contractors who share and endorse these values and standards. Below is a brief summary of these principles:

Human rights

We respect human rights and are dedicated to upholding the rights, dignity, and freedom of all individuals. Golden Mine Projects is a staunch supporter of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are unwavering in our commitment to maintaining a workplace free from discrimination and harassment.

Gifts and Hospitality

Suppliers are prohibited from offering or accepting any gifts or hospitality that could compromise, or even appear to compromise, the professionalism or impartiality of Golden Mine Projects' personnel. Under no circumstances should cash payments, discounts, or vouchers be provided to any Golden Mine Projects personnel.

Conflicts of Interest

Suppliers must disclose any situation or relationship that raises an actual, potential, or perceived conflict of interest in connection with their dealings with Golden Mine Projects. They should also refrain from forming personal or business relationships that may compromise the execution of their responsibilities.

Confidential Information

Suppliers are obligated to treat all non-public information to which they gain access through their association with Golden Mine Projects as confidential. This encompasses, without limitation, information related to Golden Mine Projects that is not publicly available. It also includes refraining from making statements or sharing material/pictures concerning Golden Mine Projects on social media without the prior written consent of Golden Mine Projects.

Political Activity and Government Interaction

Any political activities engaged in by suppliers must unequivocally indicate that they do not represent Golden Mine Projects in any capacity, regardless of their relationship with Golden Mine Projects or its operations. Suppliers should refrain from attending meetings with Government officials (including regulators or Government departments) concerning Golden Mine Projects' business without the presence of Golden Mine Projects personnel, who must record the details of such interactions.

Preventing and Eliminating Bribery & Corruption

Suppliers are obligated to comply with all laws and regulations prohibiting bribery and corruption. They are strictly prohibited from soliciting, offering, or promising bribes, kickbacks, or any other improper payment or benefit, including facilitation payments, whether acting on their behalf or on behalf of Golden Mine Projects.

Accurate and Complete Record Keeping

Suppliers must accurately, honestly, and comprehensively record all information related to their interactions with Golden Mine Projects. Any payment discrepancies must be reported promptly. We maintain a zero-tolerance stance toward fraud, and misrepresenting facts can never be justified or excused.

Insider Trading

Engaging in trading of shares or securities based on non-public information or sharing such information with others is illegal. Any dealings by a supplier involving shares or securities of Golden Mine Projects must adhere to all relevant laws and stock exchange requirements.

Speaking up

Suppliers can report violations of Golden Mine Projects' Code of Conduct or any other concerns to: or the confidential hotline:

  • Hong Kong: +852 2127 0599

This service is administered by a third-party provider, and anonymity is guaranteed.