THIS IS GOLDEN MINE PROJECTS Standards and principles

Standards and principles

Golden Mine Projects has established a comprehensive set of internal standards and principles that guide our operations. These include:

Our vision and principles

Our Values guide everything we do to realise our Vision of becoming the global leader in sustainable gold mining. Our directors, as well as staff at all levels of the Group, use these.

Board of Directors’ Charter

Everything we do to accomplish our Vision of becoming the global leader in sustainable gold mining is guided by our Values. These are used by our directors as well as staff at all levels of the Group.

Sustainable Development Framework

The Sustainable Development Framework for Golden Mine Projects is based on best practises as well as our operational requirements. An overall Sustainable Development Policy governs the framework.

The Group has created a set of Policy Guidelines that govern company behaviour.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct of Golden Mine Projects commits and binds every employee, officer, and director of Golden Mine Projects to conducting business in an ethical and fair manner. The Audit and Social, Ethics, and Transformation Committees of the Board are in charge of ensuring the Code's consistent application and adherence.

Listings Requirements

The Sustainable Development Framework for Golden Mine Projects is based on best practises as well as our operational requirements. An overall Sustainable Development Policy governs the framework.

The Group has created a set of Policy Guidelines that govern company behaviour.

Across the Golden Mine Projects, we are in material compliance with South Africa's King IV Code on Corporate Governance (King IV) principles and guidelines.

Sustainability Standards

Our Sustainable Development Framework is driven by the International Council on Mining and Metals' (ICMM) ten principles for sustainable development, as well as their supporting position statements and external confirmation of these principles/p>.

We are guided by the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact (in which we participate); we have integrated the compact's management model into our company activities, and we make yearly progress report submissions communication.

Our qualified operations all adhere to the World Gold Council's Conflict-Free Gold Standard. You can view a copy of our Conflict-Free Gold Report, Statement of Conformance, and independent limited assurance report here.

Our reporting is guided by the globally accepted Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, including the Mining and Metals Sector Supplement, and is backed up by Golden Mine Projects' internal definition, which is available upon request.

Business Ethics Standards

Our Code of Conduct adheres to national and international corporate ethics and anti-corruption standards, such as the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (2003) and the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International corporate Transactions (1997).

Through our membership in the ICMM, we support the concepts and processes of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI). We operate in EITI-compliant nations such as Ghana and Peru.

We adhere to the following regulations and governance requirements:

The King IV Code of South Africa and the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (2004)

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002), Dodd-Frank Act (2010), and Foreign Corrupt Practises Act (1977) of the United States

All other applicable regulations and laws in places where Golden Mine Projects operates