PEOPLE AND CAREERS Our approach to diversity and inclusion

Our approach to diversity and inclusion

Diversity policy

Golden Mine Projects acknowledges that the diversity and skills of our workforce are fundamental to our business's success. We are dedicated to attracting and retaining a diverse and skilled workforce to drive business growth and performance.

Simultaneously, maintaining a fair and equitable diversity policy benefits individual employees, our company, the communities we serve, regulatory bodies, and third-party partners in the regions where we operate. We highly value this diversity.

Golden Mine Projects actively promotes diversity within its boards and employee base, encompassing diversity in terms of race, gender, ethnicity, social background, color, language, age, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, religion, beliefs, culture, socioeconomic status, experience, and education. We believe that the multitude of perspectives arising from such diversity fosters innovation and business achievements. Managing diversity enhances our creativity, adaptability, productivity, and competitiveness.

Golden Mine Projects is committed to treating all individuals with respect and dignity. We strive to cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment where every person can realize their full potential within the company, irrespective of their differences. We understand the significance of reflecting the diversity of the communities and nations we operate in within our boards and workforce.

We monitor various diversity and inclusion metrics, including:

Diversity initiatives and programmes
Region     Benefits
All regions and operations have group programmes.    
  • Awareness programs for diversity and inclusion
  • Training to address unconscious biases
  • Training on effective and appropriate conversations

Within GFA, diversity has shown growth. Indigenous representation rose from 1.53% in December 2018 to 1.70% in December 2019. However, female diversity experienced a slight decline, decreasing from 20.29% in December 2018 to 19.68% in December 2019.

We are collaborating with Indigenous service providers, producers, and labor hire companies to assess the services to be offered in 2020.


The Gender Equality Program achieved a 100% completion rate in 2019.

We established a framework agreement with the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations to introduce national initiatives addressing gender violence to the Hualgayoc community.

Workshops on stereotypes, sexual harassment, and the advantages of gender equality were attended by 92% of our employees.

We launched the #Enough campaign against sexual harassment, providing training to 3,009 contractors. Additionally, a study on gender pay gap compensation was conducted.

We actively participated in external presentations aimed at raising awareness about diversity in the mining sector, reaching a total audience of 2,780 students and professionals.

In the Aequales PAR Ranking, which assesses gender equality in Latin America, we secured 1st place in the energy and mining sector.

The representation of women increased from 16% in 2018 to 19% by December 2019.

We promoted the inclusion of more women among our contractors, and one of our requirements for a specific contractor was to increase the female workforce to 15%.


South Significant improvement in management level diversity. Improvements are required to meet the criteria of the Mining Charter.


There is 10% female representation. The regional scorecard continues to include female employment.