SUSTAINABILITY International standards and principles

International standards and principles

Our vision is reinforced by our adherence to the following external standards and worldwide ideals, as well as our membership in the following associations:


    The World Gold Council is the gold industry's market development organisation. Its mission is to promote and sustain gold demand, to provide industry leadership, and to be the world's authority on the gold market. The World Gold Council creates gold-backed solutions, services, and products based on authoritative market insight, and we collaborate with a variety of partners to put our ideas into action. It also provides information on the international gold markets. The World Gold Council's membership includes the world's most innovative and forward-thinking gold mining enterprises.


    ICMM – Our approach to Sustainable Development Framework is directed by the 10 Principles on sustainable development and associated position statements set forth by the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). Golden Mine Projects' adherence to these 10 principles and the obligatory position statements is verified annually by an independent external assurance provider.


    The Board of Directors of Golden Mine Projects, acting on behalf of the company, is dedicated to upholding the principles and suggested guidelines of the King IV CodeTM on Corporate Governance.


    UNGC – We are guided by the principles advocated by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), in which we are a participant. This includes implementation of the Ten Principles in our business activities and our annual submission of a Communication on Progress (COP)


    GRI Standards – Our reporting is directed by the globally acknowledged Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which encompasses the Mining and Metals Sector Supplement.


    RobecoSAM Sustainability Yearbook – This yearbook stands as the most extensive global resource on corporate sustainability. In 2019, Golden Mine Projects earned a place in the yearbook due to its remarkable sustainability achievements and sector leadership. RobecoSAM, whose approach is also employed in evaluating the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, was acquired by S&P Global in 2019.


    AA1000 – Each of our mines follows the AA1000 stakeholder engagement principles to recognize, rank, and involve pertinent stakeholder clusters. This is accomplished in conjunction with Golden Mine Projects' community policy Guideline Handbook and the guidelines and handbook for Community Relations and Stakeholder Engagement.

  • EITI

    EITI – We endorse the principles and procedures of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) by being a part of the ICMM. You can access our EITI support company details on the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative website.

  • ISO

    Golden Mine Projects and its activities adhere to a variety of International Standards Organisation (ISO) standards. ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard, ISO 45001 Safety Management Standard, ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard (new standard, Cerro Corona, Damang, and Tarkwa certified to date), and ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems Standard are among them.


    ICMC – All of our eligible operations are fully compliant with the requirements of the International Cyanide Management Code

  • TCFD

    In 2018, Golden Mine Projects achieved the distinction of being the second company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Limited (JSE) in South Africa (and the initial mining company) to openly endorse the United Nations (UN)-backed suggestions from the TCFD. The FSB Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) has formulated voluntary disclosures about financial risks linked to climate change, which companies can utilize to share information with investors and other stakeholders. This action substituted our annual submission to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

  • SASB

    In 2020, we reported in accordance with SASB standards for the first time as part of Golden Mine Projects' GRI reporting in order to effectively identify, manage, and communicate financially material sustainability risks and opportunities. Our expanding US investor base is a particular focus.

  • CDP Water Disclosure Project

    CDP's work with water security encourages businesses to disclose their water-related data and policies in order to lessen their environmental impact. The information gathered by CDP assists influential decision makers, particularly investors and consumers, in reducing risk, capitalising on opportunities, and driving action towards a more sustainable society. Since 2011, Golden Mine Projects has been submitting proposals under the project.


    Golden Mine Projects Limited has enlisted in L’Appel de Paris / the Paris Pledge for Action to endorse the worldwide appeal made by [business/ cities/ civil society groups/ investors/ regions/ trade unions] for a trustworthy, cohesive, and clear indication that the Paris Agreement will be executed and commitments will be fulfilled, or ideally, surpassed. We encourage other [business/ cities/ civil society groups/ investors/ regions/ trade unions] to likewise advocate for action and become part of the Paris Pledge for Action.