SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability overview

Sustainability overview

Our company's success is determined by our interactions with a number of key external and internal stakeholders, who decide both our regulatory and social licences to operate, as well as our reputation with these stakeholders. As a result, maintaining our reputation and operating licences remains a top priority on our scorecard.

  • Key stakeholders
  • Employees
  • Communities
  • Shareholders and investors
  • Governments and regulators


Our Sustainable Development Policy Statement was updated in 2020.

Golden Mine Projects Limited aspires to operate as a platform for responsible and ethical investing. To keep our operating licence and leave a positive legacy, we will integrate sustainable development principles into our strategy, business planning, management systems, and decision-making processes. The end outcome will be a suitable balance of the company's requirements for financial performance, responsible environmental management, and broad societal benefit.

The sustainable development plan complements Golden Mine Projects' entire business strategy by delivering decreased and stabilised costs, community acceptability, sustainable use of natural resources, managed asset obligations, and brand strengthening. The strategy's five major components are as follows:

Our objectives   Priorities

Energy and climate change

  • Maintain security of supply
  • Stabilise energy costs
  • Drive renewables and lower carbon energy mix
  • Start managing climate change adaptation risk

Social acceptance

  • Build strong community and government relationships
  • Drive impact through shared value
  • Enhance stakeholder engagement and communications

Water stewardship

  • Achieve freshwater withdrawal and recycling/reuse targets
  • Achieve water security through catchment approach

Integrated mine closure

  • Business wide integrated approach
  • Liabilities are reduced by gradual closure and repair.
  • Address social closure

Integrated approach

  • Achieve collaboration across disciplines
  • Regional leadership
  • Integrated planning

We have a well-defined sustainable development framework in place to ensure that our approach is properly implemented and monitored. Our framework is comprised of four important pillars that are interconnected and work together to ensure that we manage sustainable development in a way that safeguards our operating licence and reputation.

Group Scorecards

We are dedicated to realising our objective of becoming the world leader in sustainable gold mining. Our strategy is intended to facilitate the realisation of this vision via an integrated approach. Our approach, which is built on four pillars - organisational capacity, internal business processes, stakeholders, and financial performance - is bolstered by our commitment to operational resilience, debt reduction, and integrated thinking. The infographic below depicts how we did in relation to the group 2022 scorecard targets.

group scorecard